Exploring Product Data Registries in Wireshape Blockchain
The third video in the Global Product Registry Tutorial Series has just been released.
We are committed to the research and development of the most advanced in 3D scanner technique, in order to always achieve extreme fidelity and boost your film, game or VR production.
The third video in the Global Product Registry Tutorial Series has just been released.
Lançado o segundo vídeo da série de tutoriais sobre Registro Global de Produtos na Blockchain.
The second video in the Global Product Registry Tutorial Series has just been released.
Temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento de uma série de tutoriais em vídeo que irão guiá-lo através de todas as interações na aplicação descentralizada Wireshape TCPR. Desde os requisitos iniciais, aplicação para fazer parte do programa beta, a resgate de recompensas na Wireshape Blockchain Network.
We are pleased to announce the release of a series of video tutorials that will guide you through all interactions in the Wireshape TCPR decentralized application. From the initial requirements, applying to be part of the beta program to claim rewards in Wireshape Blockchain Network.
Ter um catálogo de produtos completo e preciso é crucial para o comércio eletrônico e os mercados online atrair e reter clientes. No entanto, obter e gerenciar todas as informações necessárias sobre cada produto pode ser uma tarefa difícil e demorada para os varejistas.
Having a complete and precise product catalog is crucial for ecommerce and online marketplaces to appeal to and retain customers. However, obtaining and managing all the necessary information about each product can be a difficult and time-consuming task for businesses.