Como a Iniciativa de Trump em Inteligência Artificial Impacta os Supermercados e Como se Preparar para Esta Tendência Tecnológica

Como a Iniciativa de Trump em Inteligência Artificial Impacta os Supermercados e Como se Preparar para Esta Tendência Tecnológica

Serpro Participa do Drex Sandbox da Wireshape

Serpro Participa do Drex Sandbox da Wireshape

Wireshape Joins Forces with Google Cloud to Bring The Supply Chain to Web3

Wireshape Joins Forces with Google Cloud to Bring The Supply Chain to Web3

Wireshape Grants: Unlocking Web3 for Food and Beverage Manufacturers

Wireshape Grants: Unlocking Web3 for Food and Beverage Manufacturers

What is Web3 and Why Does it Matter?

What is Web3 and Why Does it Matter?

Web3 is the next generation of the internet, and it's set to revolutionize the way we interact online. Unlike its predecessor, the current internet (Web2), Web3 is designed to be decentralized, secure, and user-centric.

Equipment Guide

Equipment Guide

In general, the better the camera sensor and resolution capacity of the lens, the better the data will be. But that doesn't mean you need expensive equipment.

Capture Guide

Capture Guide

In order to produce the kind of high-resolution 3D models that accurately reach the surface detail of an object, preparation and good observation are required for data recording.

Studio Capture

Studio Capture

Choose the object, prepare the set, configure the camera. Here is our guide to achieving the best studio shots for the photogrammetry process.

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